Always Available


Pat Brown’s Always Available Transport Service

Some of my my fans who follow me on television and recently learned that I, like almost every other news commentator, do not get paid for appearances, wonder why I have done over 3000 for over ten years? Well, yes, the publicity helped in my work and helped with my book sales, but I added another incentive to the mix; I actually DID get paid to go in to the studio.

Did I just contradict myself? Nope. I didn’t get paid for my appearances but I got paid for going in to do the show. Frustrated that I wasn’t getting paid for my time and after playing hardball through my agent with the networks and coming up with nada, I came up with another plan. I started my own transport service. Hey, if the networks are willing to send my a limo to carry me back and forth and pay that company, why shouldn’t I have my own company and they can pay me instead? So, I set up Always Available Transport Service and I charged $80/hr for taking me to and from the studio. My service was awesome! Never, ever late and always available at a moment’s notice (since the car was in my driveway). Not only that, sometimes the service made use of alternate forms of transport especially if I was out of town in someplace like NYC – Always Available Transport Service has made use of taxis, trains, buses, feet, and rickshaws! Hey, I never said it was a “limo” service; I said it was a “transport” service.

Some of the shows’ producers knew AATS was my company. When they tried to force me to use one of their limo companies, I stood fast that I would only come in with AATS. When some objected, I simply told them the truth. They laughed their asses off and said, “Good move, Pat!” They knew how unfair it was for us commentators to do unpaid work every day of the week. HLN was fine with the service for 5 years, but some new high-up executive canned my service and, actually, I was one the few commentators left they even offered a limo to; most were required to drive in AND not get paid! I told them, my car service or a contract or I was done. They made their choice and I “retired” from HLN. And, then I just retired.

Now, that I am in this new phase of life, I will have to continue to think outside the box. All of us will have to be clever and resourceful to survive in our later years, especially in this economy. I hope this blog will help inspire readers to come up with unique ways of living our new lives “in the forest,” and still make our lives meaningful.

3 thoughts on “Always Available

  1. Let me be the first one to comment here, dear Mrs. Brown. I did what you do now a couple of years ago. I got to the point where my “important” existence was merely a shadow of what it should be. I lost a 16 million contract, thanks to amongst others a couple of my own crew, people I’d know and worked with for some 15+ years. At first, it seemed to push me into a depression, frustrated as I was with the multiple loss. Then, surfacing, I restructured my life, went private, spent more time on my family and friends, dogs. Oh and house and gardens. And honesty, by now, I cannot imagine anymore how I’ve been able to exist, to breath, whilst I was “important”, popular, making money and … working my •ss off. If you can afford it, do continue. Life in the forest is highly recommendable 🙂
    Bisous, Châtelaine

    • Ah, Chatelaine, I am so glad you have found a wonderful forest life! You are so correct about the pressure and such. I have noticed when I have spent time in India, that I feel a great sense of peace, not because of anything particularly spiritual (I was not at an Ashram or anything) but just that I could enjoy the day as it unfolded, not rushing, spending time with friends, enjoying each little thing that happened. Quite a change. I am not saying that my years working hard and trying to establish profiling were not worth it, they were and I do not regret them at all. I, like you, though, am ready for a change of life (even if the change is a bit difficult as you point out).

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