Please Leave a Message…..

…and I will get back to you….oh….when I feel like it!

It is May 2nd and I am on the second official day of working my way into the forest (retirement/vanaprastha) and I am quite happy to have made the decision over the last months to disconnect myself from my electronic leash. I no longer have to be ready to jump the minute the phone rings. I finally have stopped taking the cell phone into the bathroom with me and I actually turned it off completely while at the theater tonight (rather than put it on silent and place the phone strategically in my purse so I can see if it lighting up with an incoming call). I no longer step out in the middle of a movie or dinner to do a phoner for TV when there is breaking news or walk out of a nice social event to jump in a limo and go down to the studio. I have done this for over thirteen years of working with the media and, if I add the ten years prior when I was on call 24/7 (in the pager days) as an sign interpreter for the emergency rooms of three major hospitals, I have been someone’s bitch for almost two and a half decades.

I am not complaining…. really. I liked the excitement of something suddenly happening and having to race somewhere to deal with it. I liked being the go-to person for emergencies and breaking news. All the hubbub was a great part of my life. Giving up such a stimulating piece of my daily world was difficult and a bit terrifying. Suddenly, silence. Suddenly, no one  needing me. Suddenly, I felt invisible.

But, then, after the shock wore off, I realized I become far more visible and accessible to nonwork people – family, friends, even the person I just met in line at the supermarket. I am not constantly distracted, ignoring them and talking on the phone, apologizing again and again for relegating them to second place, running off to “do something more important.” Now,  I am really with whomever I am with and I can stay with them until we finish whatever we are doing.

I can actually be in the moment and stay in the moment, and not worry that the next moment will contain the sound of a phone ringing. By disconnecting, I find I am reconnecting with the people that matter the most.


3 thoughts on “Please Leave a Message…..

  1. Congrats on your retirement! May all you enjoy be a bright spot! Hope all is better for your Dad..and mayyou enjoy “calmness/ serentity and good friends and family”..and enjoy the simple things of less stress! Sunshine and Blue skies be with you!

  2. I wish a couple of my friends would disconnect their cells. I rarely use mine and only turn it on when I need it. I feel I have lost a couple of friends because I am not on Facebook and don’t have a Smartphone and refuse — refuse– to waste my time texting when I can type an email on a real keyboard 100 times faster. Nowadays, those couple of friends don’t even bother answering. I may hear from them never or months later because they’re mainly texting and Facebooking. I just think it’s sad. I heard from one of them this week, but mainly because she needs a realtime ride to the doctor, I’m afraid.

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